Some of IDE functions are not available on Wine just yet.PhpED team, however is always standing by of course, providing support for the issues related to the PHP IDE itself. Another way to put it - there is nobody to yell at if it doesn't do exactly what you want it to do. Unlike Parallels, Wine doesn't enjoy any commercial backing, it is pure open source application distributed as is.Please read more about PHP IDE on Mac with Wine There are many other PhpED users running on Wine and some are even so incredibly kind to provide the tutorial to the fellow PHP developers.Running PhpED on Mac or Linux with Wine is almost the same as running PhpED on Windows - Wine is the Windows API implementation and not a simulator.Wine is open source, it is FREE and it doesn't require the Windows license.The list of the highlights of both options is below: The development team that delivered PHP IDE for Mac and Linux will of course provide the support needed for PhpED on both Wine and Parallels. There benefits and disadvantages in using either Wine or Parallels. Running PhpED with Parallels Read more about PhpED with Parallels.

Running NuSphere PHP IDE on Mac or Linux with Wine Read more about PhpED on Wine.Our Mac and Linux users can now use NuSphere PHP IDE on their Operating Systems and even have multiple ways of doing that: Remote debugging of PHP scripts on any platform is also supported in PhpED Professional. NuSphere PhpED - is the PHP IDE of choice for thousands of PHP developers working on Windows.