This method would be using the AAF timeline FROM Resolve.

In Avid, import the AAF that resolve generated and it should all link easy-peasy. mxfs into your Avid MediaFiles folder (ideally using a different numbered folder to keep them separated) launch AVID and it will index these new. After color, render out using the AVID AAF preset which will make new. Resolve can Automatically search out those AVID.mxf mediafiles in your MXF folder. and export your timeline with transcoded media using a linked AAF. As mentioned before, avoid the inclusion of 'wildcards' like matte keys, etc. If you insist on using transcoded media, the round-trip is quite easy.

Yes, it's absolutely possible, although, my recommendation is to color from camera originals as opposed to AVID transcodes, which can be relinked in Resolve to your AVID AAF. Your document didn't attach to your post, so I downloaded it from your link and uploaded it to my post. Thank you for that document though, very helpful.

I like to keep my colour work within baselight for avid. It takes ages, it's complicated, and most of my FX won't transfer over. Generally I don't like to conform to another NLE for finishing. Hopefully the file with all the details attached properly.